Minecraft Downloader


             Now, I feel like I should first say that we really like this texture pack.  In fact, for a while, we both used it (and I think our other moderator still is).  This aside, I will do my best to give an unbiased review of this texture pack.  Because, lets face it; we don't all like the same things.
       Home Screen:
             First, this texture pack has a very interesting Minecraft home screen.  The background is checkered with ugly colors that look like they came from the 1980's, while the four "buttons" are not much better (checkered aqua marine, anyone?).  If you can choke through this retro-looking start up screen, though, you will be thoroughly rewarded with a superb texture pack that is definitely worth a look into.
             The GUI has been dramatically overhauled from the default texture pack.  The inventory, for example, has become bright and cheery, with bits of the normal square cut out at the top to better fit the 2x2 crafting layout.  There's a nice new border around the picture of your player, and everything has a very light feel about it.  Other little things that aren't normally noticed are the hearts, which, when hit to a half heart, turns a shade of orange until they disappear and show a little X in their place.  One last thing is the menu bar at the bottom of the screen; when you scroll to hold a different object, there is a little multi-colored light ring that highlights what your holding.  Very nice.
             Nearly everything in this texture pack is modified from their default textures, including:
  • Glass
  • Dirt
  • Cobblestone
  • Torches
  • Beds
  • Sand
  • All types of wood blocks
  • All types of smooth stone
  • Wild Grass
  • Record Players
  • Saplings
  • Bricks
  • Zombies
  • Netherrack
  • All types of ores
  • All types of ore blocks
  • All weapons, pickaxes, shovels, axes
  • Wood, metal and Trap doors
  • Seeds
  • Food
  • Boats
  • Bookshelves
  • Furnaces
  • TNT
  • Snow
  • Skeletons
  • Cacti
  • Obsidian
  • Monster Spawners
  • Glowstone
  • All colors of wool
  • Furnaces
  • Soul Sand
  • Leaves
  • Flowers
  • Chickens, Cows and Sheep
  • All types of minecarts
  • Paintings
  • Creepers
  • Sun and Moon
  • Chests
  • Signs
  • Diamond Armour
  • Maps
  • Portals
  • All redstone related things
  • Ladders
  • Sandstone
  • Mushrooms
  • All types of minecart tracks
  • Reeds
  • Ice
             It's a good thing so many things are custom - that's what makes a texture pack a texture pack, after all.  Everything is very simple; you can easily glance at something and instantly know what it is.  It is surprisingly well detailed for a 16x16 texture pack (even though there doesn't seem much to detail), and a lot of thought was obviously put into the design of the smallest things.  The glass is nice and see through, with nothing in the way to obstruct your view of the outside world.  Unfortunately, the lava and water have remained unchanged.  But lets face it, what can you really do to make lava and water more interesting?
             Another cool thing about this texture pack is that things actually change randomly as you go throughout the world.  The grass, for example, isn't just one color.  It changes, and transitions smoothly from a deep green to a bright red anywhere in the world.  And it's the same story with the wild grass and leaves; they randomly grow in different colors.  This is most common for grass and leaves near deserts because the texture pack senses these things and adjusts them appropriately.
You can see how the grass goes from a red at the bottom of the image and smoothly transitions to a normal green at the right of the image.
Nice sunset, bro.
       Final Thoughts:   
             This is a very good texture pack, one of the best I've seen in my time with Minecraft.  Now, here at Minecraft Downloader, we want to hear form you.  After you read our review and check out the texture pack yourself, let us know what you think about it!  It's free, easy and lets you know what everyone else thinks.